Why Teach With SIM?
Since 1978, researchers from The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning have partnered with classroom teachers to design SIM instructional tools, materials, and interventions. The research-based components of these tools have been tested and approved by teachers to
become evidence-based practices effective in varied school
and classroom contexts.
Evidence for ESSA, published by John Hopkins University, classifies SIM under a "strong" ESSA rating, which is given to instructional programs meeting scientific evidence of effectiveness as shown by well-designed and well- implemented experimental studies.
High-Leverage Practices for general educators (teachingworks.org) and High-Leverage Practices in Special Education (highleveragepractices.org) are interwoven into SIM, and SIM gives teachers actionable ways to implement these critical, research-based practices shown to improve student outcomes. (Professional Development Institute, 2020, p.2)

Hattie (2017) Effect Sizes* for Key Features
of SIM Instructional Tools and Interventions
Learning Strategies
*Effect size is a quantitative measure of the magnitude of influence an experimental effect has on student outcomes. According to John Hattie, practices with effect sizes of d>.40 have a greater than average influence on achievement. (Professional Development Institute, 2020, p.2)

How does SIM help teachers and students?
SIM provides solutions to educational challenges through a breadth and depth of instructional tools and interventions designed for adolescents in grades 4-12 *. SIM includes an instructional planning cycle that promotes effective teaching and learning of critical content. In essence, we advocate teaching a little less content but teaching it better.
courses, and blended learning environments.
Teachers use SIM to:

Think about and organize content

Teach complex concepts

Help students learn independently

Instruct with evidence-based practices
Students use SIM to:

Digest and retain critical information

Picture information to aid in understanding and remembering

Think actively while reading different kinds of texts

Express ideas and demonstrate knowledge (sentences, paragraphs, themes, and essays)

Take notes, study, and prepare for tests
Do your students need help understanding and remembering critical content?
Do your students need a comprehensive reading intervention?
Do your students need help writing sentences, paragraphs, or essays?
Do your students with disabilities need specially designed instruction to access curriculum?
Do your students need strategic support in math?
Do your students need strategies for actively participating in their learning communities?

What does SIM include?
Learning Strategies
Learning Strategies are designed to provide the skills and strategies students need to learn content. Each LS targets a specific skill that students need to succeed in school-from late elementary through college or university-and in their careers.
Xtreme Reading
Xtreme Reading is a supplemental reading course designed for readers in grades 6-12 reading, minimally, at the 4th grade level and two or more years behind grade level, comprising eight foundational word-level, comprehension, and motivation strategies, each taught using direct, explicit
instruction, and can be taught in one year. (Professional Development Institute, 2020, p.4)

Get Started Today!
Teacher Course
Trained in the Fundamentals in the Sentence Writing Strategy, you will want to subscribe to the supplemental video series. There is one pre-teaching/review video that goes along with each of the lessons. Students will find the videos fun and engaging, which helps them remember the content.
Professional Development Course
Not trained in the Fundamentals of the Sentence Writing Strategy, this professional development course is for you. Included in the professional development bundle:
- Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Overview
- Professional Development Course – Fundamentals in the Sentence Writing Strategy
- SLANT the Active Learning Strategy
- Teacher’s Manual
- Student Manual

About Performance Learning
Performance Learning provides consulting and educational services in Davenport, Iowa, servicing the Quad Cities and surrounding areas.
Our goals are to help students in kindergarten through college to become independent learners and to help professionals develop skills to further their career.